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Gemini Demo Embossing Images for Wallet

About Gemini  (May 22 – June 21)

Sanskrit Name: Mithun | Meaning of Name: The Twins | Type: Air-Mutable-Positive

This third sign of the zodiac is unique on its own and the symbol is represented by the twins, because of its dual nature that it imbibes. The Geminis are quite zealous, adaptable, creative and intelligent in their characteristics. They are very sociable and like to initiate conversations, as they love to communicate a lot with people around them. Known to be confused, they are are very indecisive in nature and usually find it difficult to take stands, which is why they are represented by two people facing the opposite directions, concluding that how their mind always sway between two things most of the times and are unable to decide on a particular thing. This makes them a bit unreliable and Janus-faced at times. Furthermore, Geminis are quite intellectual by nature and love to gain knowledge from wherever they can, also sharing them with whomever they meet on the way.
Gemini Overview
The Geminis have a very interesting personality, are zesty and impulsive in nature. Also, their astute intellect, whip-sharp brain, and quick thinking ability make them quite cordial and gregarious. As far as their career is concerned, they may usually choose a path where communication plays a major role in their day to day activity. Their creative ways of thinking and fecund imagination makes them adroit, artistic and competent, which is why they easily get bored with repetitive tasks. Therefore, any job which makes them think more, be communicative and, use their hands and gross motor skills will be suitable for the Geminis. Thus, a career affiliated with teaching, writing, selling and presenting will be suitable for them. Also, jobs related to music, emceeing, inventing, acting, product developing, the radio jockeying and journalism will be appropriate for all the Geminis.

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